Part 46: Not Getting Punched
Music: Sharpened Blade
So you are planning something!

Just what the hell are you up to?

I... I can't tell you.

I just can't. If I let you in on this...

Then you're gonna know how worthless a human being I am!

Don't worry, Tony. I don't think our opinion of you can get even lower.
You're worthless already!

You're worthless already!

You need your ears cleaned too? I said, it doesn't matter if I see what you're doing,

Because you're already a worthless human being!

Hyde... Come on, that's low, real low.
What's this plan you're talking about?

What's this plan you're talking about?

I... I can't tell you.

Out with it! You're not doing a very good job of hiding it anyway!


You're planning to...
It's most likely the latter, but sadly we can't discount the former.
send Frank to the hospital!

You're planning to send Frank to the hospital!

What the hell are you talking about?

Quit playing innocent! I know you were involved in two violent incidents in the past.

Now you're planning to use this as an excuse to get revenge on the old guy.

That's why you called him up here to meet you, so you could rough him up!

Do... Do you really think I'm the kind of guy who'd start beating on an elderly guy?
a few updates ago posted:

Maybe I am!
If that's what it takes to make you see sense!
Music: Joke's On You

What is it?

You got something you want to say to me? Well you can get bent! There's no point in talking to you anymore!

If you're not gonna leave then I will!

Outta my way!
Music stops
Tony leaves the room fuming.


Looks like I blew my chances there. Should've tried to get more out of him.

He's definitely hiding something.
Music: Dream's End
Tony: 6
Mags: 2
Dylan: 2
Frank: 2
Rex: 1
Marie: 1
At least he didn't punch us this time 
As always, one wrong choice will cause this.
All right, let's do this properly this time.
So you are planning something!

Just what the hell are you up to?

I... I can't tell you.

I just can't. If I let you in on this...

Then you're gonna know how worthless a human being I am!

You're not a worthless human being!

You're not a worthless human being!


You shouldn't have such a low opinion of yourself. But if you're so sure that whatever you're up to is going to soil your name,

Then stop what you're about to do and leave!

It-it's always the same. Every time I do something like this...
What exactly do you regret?

What do you regret doing, Tony?

I, well, you see...

It's about what you did in the past, isn't it?


What do you know about my past?

I've heard all about you, Tony.

I was told by somebody who knew about your previous convictions.

Who could've told you about that?

Frank Raver.

Him? How did he know?

He's an ex-cop, like me. Used to be part of the LAPD. Even though he's off the force, he still doesn't take too kindly to ex-felons.


So now you know.
What's this plan you're talking about?

What's this plan you're talking about?

I... I can't tell you.

Out with it! You're not doing a very good job of hiding it anyway!


You're planning to...
extort money from Frank!

You're planning to extort money from Frank!


The old man told me everything!

He told me that you called him up here with something you needed to talk about.

He what?

But when he got here, you were nowhere to be seen.

Then I turned up and he went back to his room.

That's what he said?

Great, now you know. I was planning to have him meet me up here. Then I was going to make him a deal he couldn't refuse.

Ever since the notice went out about this place closing, he's been coming to the fourth floor to look for something.

I noticed he carried his beloved tape recorder with him when he did,
So you're the one who took the tape?
Where are you hiding the tape?

Where's Frank's tape?

I've got it somewhere safe. I was planning on returning it to him if he could meet my price. I'm certain there's stuff on there that he'd rather keep to himself.
So you're the one who took the tape! And after we told Marie and Frank that you're not a thief!
Music: Silent Tears

Can't believe I've been such a fool.

Yeah, you've pretty much redefined stupidity this time! You really need to think more. If you spent as much time on your music as you do on these crazy schemes, you might actually get somewhere and make some money.

Threatening people with violence just doesn't suit you, you know?

It's always the same old story. I end up doing stuff that isn't really me.

That's how I managed to hurt the two people you heard about from Frank.

I'd just started selling some of my music then, too. My manager squandered the money we'd made from the concert,

And I just saw red. Can't say he looked very pretty after I'd finished with him. The second time involved some street punk.

There was a die-hard fan who didn't stop listening to my stuff even after the first incident, and this punk started whaling on the guy, I jumped in and sent the punk to the hospital... This time I didn't get off so lightly. The record company severed my contract. From then on, all my efforts have amounted to next to nothing.
That's the dangers of the entertainment industry, I guess

If you can see that this isn't the right way to live your life, then change!

Yeah, you think if I could do that I'd even be in this situation?

If you're serious, then yes.

If you stop thinking up ways to beat people senseless or get money from them, you'll be heading in the right direction.

Sure, it'll take time and might be a pain in the ass, but you'll get there in the end. And you'll be able to put the old Tony behind you and start afresh.


You said start afresh. You're not the first person to tell me that's what I need to do.

Who told you before?

You know what that fan said to me? "I love your songs, and I have them all, but... You've got to get out of this rut you're in. You're only hurting yourself.

Start afresh and put the past behind you. Start to live a better live."

That's how it was, Hyde. I made a promise to that fan. I promised to start afresh and put the past behind me.

I vowed to make the best music I'd ever made.

Then maybe it's about time you made good on that promise. You wouldn't want to let your fans down, would you?


Pull yourself together, Tony. You just have to really put your mind to it.

You really think I can?


You're right.
You can start by not punching people at the slightest provocation and not promising to give fancy products.

I hope you can, for your sake.


What am I gonna do about the old man's tape?

Give it to me, I'll look after it.

Just tell him that you gave it to me and I'll sort out the rest.

You serious?

Would I say it if I wasn't?

I'm counting on you, Hyde.

I'm gonna head back to my room.
Tony makes his way out.

(Think I'll head back to my room too. No way I'm giving this back without hearing it first.)
That's the Hyde we know and love